Thursday 19 January 2012

Sherlock On A Mission With A Dragon Tattoo Review

Since becoming a Daddy for the first time my nights are no longer my own and my mind is at times rather groggy!

But here are some thoughts about the Sherlock cinematic sequel, the fourth Mission Impossible and the Fincher version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Feeling more alive now, although I have just been interrupted to see if there is any "wind left in my daughter!!"

So first of all the Sherlock sequel-

Have to say I adored the first outing with messrs Law and Downey Jr. A big fun adventure.
This sequel I don't think I enjoyed quite as much. This film was definitely "darker" with it's murkier tone and suicide etc, but not every second film has to go for an Empire Strikes Back feel.

It just wasn't as fun as the first film. I liked the Moriarty character as played menacingly by Jared Harris, but some of the fx showing what might happen next over and over again got a bit tedious. Some of the Sherlock disguises were excellent, as was the ending.

The film just seemed to lack the ingenious action scenes of the original. There were a lot of guns, of various sizes! I hope they make another Sherlock film, but just go back to the rollicking adventure feel of the first film (which we've been saying to the Pirates gang ever since Dead Mans Chest!)

I enjoyed Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, particularly on the IMAX screen in Cardiff. There were moments when we could have been flying over Dubai!

The action scenes were mostly excellent. Particularly the Tom Cruise prancing around outside the tallest building in the World sequence.

The trouble was this scene came midway through the film, which left the end 45 mins or so with a lot to live up to, which it just didn't achieve.

Tom Cruise was excellent as well as the rest of the cast. Jeremy Renner was great and I look forward to him in his new Bourne role. I enjoyed Smon Pegg who did give some intended comic relief.

I really enjoyed some of the gadgets, the camera producing the print outs in the suitcase etc.

I think as a complete film Mission Impossible 3 is probably my favourite. And that's not that great a film. It just seems to work best as a complete picture. Of course. You could take scenes from the first two films and make one great movie! But they were both muddled at best.

Having said all that I think Tom Cruise has another Mission Impossible in him and I would look forward to seeing it. Just maybe link the action scenes together with a slightly better story. Brad Bird should get on with an Incredibles sequel!

I admit I haven't read any of the Millenium trilogy which the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is based on, but I have seen all 3 original Swedish versions and I enjoyed them, although Dragon Tattoo was by far the best. Of course the Swedish films were actually made for Swedish TV. Recently expanded blu rays have been released which show this.

Fincher's film then, is definitely a better, more cinematic film. you can see he had a much bigger budget to play with than the made for TV version. I think Daniel Craig is excellent in the role of the disgraced magazine editor. I like the way this version brings his relationship with his daughter more into focus.

Rooney Mara, is excellent as this girl with the dragon tattoo, playing it quite different to Noomi Rapace in the originals. If anything I felt that Mara's interpretation was more layered and created a more convincing character. Although I know who would win in a fight between the two (Rapace!)

This is certainly a much more adult film. One I'm not sure I would watch over and over, I guess it depends whether Fincher takes on the two sequels.

So I would give 3 tattoos, 3 deerstalkers or 3 exploding messages to each of these films.

Next review will be War Horse

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